Sunday, November 1, 2009


Moab, Utah is a wonderful town with clean air,
friendly people, and beautiful weather. There are
so many interesting and scenic things to see in the area.
(Click on photos to enlarge.)
This is the Colorado River

A scenic drive through Moonflower Canyon Seems this guy just set himself up a nice
little place in a rock! Notice the chair to
the left, and the garage to the right!
A major pasttime in this area is rock climbing.
They park their cars along the Colorado River Gorge,
throw up their ropes and start climbing!
I can't imagine!
The little specks are climbers!

This was a little family of deer in Arches National Park

This one is in front of Landscape Arch -
a very popular spot in Arches
Supposedly, the gray area on the
right of this rock are Allosaurus
tracks (an Allosaurus is a 3-toed dinosaur).


Moab is filled with several areas
where petroglyphs can easily be seen.
Some of the panels are filled with graffiti,
despite the warnings that it is illegal
to deface them. (Some people are just dumb!)
This one is particularly interesting. It is
2 Indians slaying a bear. There is an
Indian at the bear's nose, and one above his tail.
(Look, I don't make the stories up,
I just repeat them!)

This drawing is very popular. You see this animal
(a big horned sheep) in almost all the drawings.

This rock had petroglyphs on
all four sides
This is my absolute favorite of all time.
It is a woman giving birth. Note how
the baby is coming out feet-first (OUCH!)
Naturally, the man just stands next
to her doing nothing!