Thursday, October 29, 2009


I woke up today to more snow, but it was a beautiful day!
(Click on photos to enlarge.)

I drove from Colorado to Utah, with
sights such as this along the way.
Utah might be the prettiest state I have ever been in.
This was a house built into the rock.
There is a memorial to Franklin Roosevelt
(don't ask me to explain that - I just took the photo)

There are many beautiful arches in the park.
All of them have names, but I couldn't
remember which was which!

The rest of the park is beautiful too.
I think this formation looks like the 3 Wise Men!

The one on the left is called
"Balancing Rock" - for good reason!

I took a hike down this narrow pathway . . .
continued through thick sand sand . . .
up these rocks . . .

to reach this arch (Sand Dune Arch)
It was well worth the hike to see it! The sun starts to go down over Arches