Friday, November 13, 2009


I returned to Mesa Verde National Park today because
last time I was here, I had missed a part of it. I know it seems
that alot of my adventures involve ancient ruins. That's because
I find them so interesting, and they are plentiful in the Southwest.
(Click on photos to enlarge.)
This dwelling is known as Spruce Tree. You can go
down into it with a Park Ranger.
It is the best preserved dwelling in the park.
Take note of that stick coming up out
of the ground - that's a ladder.
I climbed down the ladder to get inside
one of the rooms in the dwelling.
It was very small, dark and cozy!
(A little dungeony)
This was another dwelling called Square Tower
(the reason for the name seems kind of obvious)
And, this was a wild horse in the park, just
standing around. He was so pretty!